
MENDES, Hérick Claudino; KELBERT, Maikon; MICHELS, Camila; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Exploring sustainable pathways for cyanide biodegradation in cassava waste: Insights into methodologies, microbial degradation, and emerging technologies. Journal of Water Process Engineering, v. 64, 105594, 2024. DOI:

GUTKOSKI, Júlia Pedó; SCHNEIDER, Elisângela Edila; MICHELS, Camila. How effective is biological activated carbon in removing micropollutants? A comprehensive review. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 349, 119434, 2024. DOI:

PEREIRA, Camila; KELBERT, Maikon; DARONCH, Naionara Ariete; CORDEIRO, Arthur Poester; CESCA, Karina; MICHELS, Camila; OLIVEIRA, Débora de; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Laccase-Assisted Degradation of Anticancer Drug Etoposide: By-Products and Cytotoxicity. BioEnergy Research, v. 16, p.  2105-2114, 2023. DOI:

MÜLLER, Felipe Matheus; DE OLIVERA, Débora; MICHELS, Camila. Current status, gaps and challenges of rendering industries wastewaterJournal of Water Process Engineering, v. 52, 103480, 2023. DOI:

MICHELON, William; MATTHIENSEN, Alexandre; VIANCELLI, Aline; FONGARO, Gislaine; GRESSLER, Vaness; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Removal of veterinary antibiotics in swine wastewater using microalgae-based processEnvironmental Research, v. 207, 112192, 2022. DOI:

MICHELON, William; SILVA, Marcio Luís Busi da; MATTHIENSEN, Alexandre; SILVA, Evandro; PILAU, Eduardo Jorge; NUNES, Estela de Oliveira; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Microalgae produced during phycoremediation of swine wastewater contains effective bacteriostatic compounds against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Chemosphere, v. 283, 131268, 2021. DOI:

PRADO, Maick Meneguzzo; SCHNEIDER, Elisângela Edila; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. TRATAMENTO DE RESÍDUOS E EFLUENTES ATRAVÉS DE SISTEMAS BIOELETROQUÍMICOS: UMA REVISÃO DA LITERATURA. Gestão e Sustentabilidade Ambiental, v. 10, p. 377-396, 2021. DOI:

KELBERT, Maikon; SENNA, Camila Pereira; DARONCH, Naionara Ariete; CESCA, Karina; MICHELS, Camila; OLIVEIRA, Débora de; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Laccase as an efficacious approach to remove anticancer drugs: A study of doxorubicin degradation, kinetic parameters, and toxicity assessmentJournal of Hazardous Materials, v. 409, 124520, 2021. DOI:

LANGBEHN, Rayane Kunert; MICHELS, Camila; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Antibiotics in wastewater: From its occurrence to the biological removal by environmentally conscious technologies.  Environmental Pollution, Vol. 275, 116603, 2021. DOI:

MICHELON, William; SILVA, Marcio Luís Busi da; MATTHIENSEN, Alexandre; DE ANDRADE, Cristiano José; DE ANDRADE, Lidiane Maria; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Amino acids, fatty acids, and peptides in microalgae biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewatersBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery, p. 869–880, 2021. DOI:

LANGBEHN, Rayane Kunert; MICHELS, Camila; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Tetracyclines lead to ammonium accumulation during nitrification processJournal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, v. 55, p. 1021-1031, 2020. DOI:

SARDÁ, Luana G.; HIGARASHI, Martha M.; NICOLOSO, Rodrigo S.; FALKOSKO, Camila; RIBEIRO, Stephanie M. S.; SILVEIRA, Carlos A. P.; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Effects of dicyandiamide and Mg/P on the global warming potential of swine slurry and sawdust cocomposting. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Vol. 27, p. 30405-30418, may 2020.

BORTOLI, Marcelo; KUNZ, Airton; PRÁ, Marina Celant De; SILVA, Márcio Luis Busi Da; CÉ, Ana; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and organic carbon from swine wastewater using the pre-denitrification/nitrification process. Revista Ambiente e Água, v. 14, p. 1, 2019.

MICHELON, William; PIROLLI, Mateus; MEZZARI, Melissa Paola; SOARES, Hugo Moreira; DA SILVA, Márcio Luis Busi. Residual sugar from microalgae biomass harvested from phycoremediation of swine wastewater digestate. WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 79, p. 2203-2210, 2019.

PEREIRA, Camila; KELBERT, Maikon; DARONCH, Naionara Ariete; MICHELS, Camila; OLIVEIRA,  Débora de; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Potential of enzymatic process as an innovative technology to remove anticancer drugs in wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019.

PERAZZOLI, Simone; BASTOS, Renan B.; SANTANA, Fabrício B.; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Biological fuel cells produce bioelectricity with in-situ brackish water purificationWater Science and Technology, v. 78, n. 2, p. 301-309, 2018.


PERAZZOLI, Simone; DE SANTANA NETO, José P.; SOARES, Hugo Moreira. Prospects in bioelectrochemical technologies for wastewater treatmentWater Science and Technology, v. 78, n. 6, p. 1237-1248, 2018.

MICHELS, Camila; PERAZZOLI, Simone; SOARES, Hugo M. Inhibition of an enriched culture of ammonia oxidizing bacteria by two different nanoparticles: silver and magnetiteScience of The Total Environment, v. 586, p. 995-1002, 2017.

PERAZZOLI, Simone; MICHELS, Camila; SOARES, Hugo M. Magnetite nanoparticles influence the ammonium-oxidizing bacteria activity during nitritation processWater Science and Technology, v. 75, n. 1, p. 165-172, 2017.

PIROLLI, MATEUS; SILVA, M. B.; MEZZARI, M. P.; MICHELON, WILLIAM; PRANDINI, JEAN MICHEL; SOARES, H. M.. Methane production from a field-scale biofilter designed for desulfurization of biogas stream. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 177, p. 161-168, 2016.

STEINMETZ, RICARDO LUIS RADIS; MEZZARI, MELISSA PAOLA; DA SILVA, MARCIO LUIS BUSI; KUNZ, Airton; DO AMARAL, ANDRÉ CESTONARO; TÁPPARO, DEISI CRISTINA; SOARES, HUGO MOREIRA. Enrichment and acclimation of an anaerobic mesophilic microorganism?s inoculum for standardization of BMP assays. Bioresource Technology, v. 219, p. 21-28, nov. 2016.

MICHELON, WILLIAM; DA SILVA, MARCIO LUIS BUSI; MEZZARI, MELISSA PAOLA; PIROLLI, MATEUS; PRANDINI, JEAN MICHEL; SOARES, HUGO MOREIRA. Effects of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Biochemical Composition of Microalgae Polyculture Harvested from Phycoremediation of Piggery Wastewater Digestate. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, v. 178, p. 1407-1419, 2016.

DE PRÁ, MARINA C.; KUNZ, Airton; BORTOLI, MARCELO; SCUSSIATO, LUCAS A.; COLDEBELLA, ARLEI; VANOTTI, MATIAS; SOARES, HUGO M.. Kinetic models for nitrogen inhibition in ANAMMOX and nitrification process on deammonification system at room temperature. Bioresource Technology, v. 1, 2015.

MICHELS, Camila; YANG, YU; MOREIRA-SOARES, HUGO; ALVAREZ, PEDRO J. J.. Silver nanoparticles temporarily retard NO2− production without significantly affecting N2O release by Nitrosomonas europaeaEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry, v. 34, n. 10, p. 2231-2235, 2015.

PRANDINI, JEAN MICHEL; DA SILVA, MÁRCIO LUÍS BUSI; MEZZARI, MELISSA PAOLA; PIROLLI, MATEUS; MICHELON, WILLIAM; SOARES, HUGO MOREIRA. Enhancement of nutrient removal from swine wastewater digestate coupled to biogas purification by microalgae Scenedesmus spp.. Bioresource Technology, v. 202, p. 67-75, 2015.

BUCCO, SAMUEL; PADOIN, NATAN; NETTO, WILLIBALDO SCHMIDELL; SOARES, HUGO MOREIRA. Drinking water decontamination by biological denitrification using fresh bamboo as inoculum source. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, v. 1, p. 1-9, 2014.

YANG, Yu; MICHELS, C. ; SOARES, H. M. ; ALVAREZ, P. J. J.. Differential sensitivity of nitrifying bacteria to silver nanoparticles in activated sludgeEnvironmental toxicology and chemistry, v. 33, n. 10, p. 2234-2239, 2014.

MEZZARI, M. P.; SILVA, M. B.; PIROLLI, M.; PERAZZOLI, S.; STEINMETZ, R. L. R.; NUNES, E. O.; SOARES, H. M.. Assessment of a tannin-based organic polymer to harvest Chlorella vulgaris biomass from swine wastewater digestate phycoremediation. Water Science and Technology, v. 70, p. 888, 2014.

SILVA, M. B.; SOARES, H. M.; FURIGO JÚNIOR, Agenor; SCHMIDELL NETTO, Willibaldo. Effects of Nitrate Injection on Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery and Oilfield Reservoir Souring. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, p. 1-12, 2014.

BRESSAN, C. R.; KUNZ, A.; SCHMIDELL, W.; SOARES, H. M.. Toxicity of the Colistin Sulfate Antibiotic Used in Animal Farming to Mixed Cultures of Nitrifying Organisms. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, v. 224, p. 1441-1444, 2013.

MEZZARI, MELISSA P.; DA SILVA, MÁRCIO L.B.; NICOLOSO, RODRIGO S.; IBELLI, ADRIANA M.G.; BORTOLI, MARCELO; VIANCELLI, ALINE; SOARES, HUGO M.. Assessment of N2O emission from a photobioreactor treating ammonia-rich swine wastewater digestate. Bioresource Technology, v. 149, p. 327-332, 2013.

CASAGRANDE, C. G.; KUNZ, Airton; DEPRA, M. C.; BRESSAN, C.R.; SOARES, H. M.. High nitrogen removal rate using ANAMMOX process at short hydraulic retention time.. Water Science and Technology, v. 67, p. 968-975, 2013.

BORTOLI, M.; KUNZ, Airton; SOARES, H. M.; BELLI FILHO, Paulo; COSTA, R. H. R.. Emissão de óxido nitroso nos processos de remoção biológica de nitrogênio de efluentes.. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, v. 17, p. 1-6, 2012.

CASAGRANDE, C. G.; KUNZ, Airton; SCHIERHOLT NETO, Guilherme F; DEPRA, M. C.; SOARES, H. M.. Establishment of anammox process in sludge samples collected from swine wastewater treatment system. Engenharia Agrícola, v. 31, p. 1170-1178, 2011.

AMIM, Rafael dos Santos; SANTANA, Fabrício Butierres; SCHMIDELL, W.; SOARES, H. M.. Eliminação autotrófica de Nitrogênio pela oxidação de tiosulfato através de uma cultura mista de microrganismos. Revista Latinoamericana de Biotecnologia Ambiental y Algal, v. 1, p. 31-46, 2010.

Aquino, S. F.; Chernicharo, C. A. L.; Soares, H.; Takemoto, S. Y.; VAZOLLER, R. F.. Methodologies for determining the bioavailability and biodegradability of sludges. Environmental Technology, v. 29, p. 855-862, 2008.

ULSONDESOUZA, A; BRANDAO, H; ZAMPORLINI, I; SOARES, H. M.; GUELLIULSONDESOUZA, S.. Application of a fluidized bed bioreactor for cod reduction in textile industry effluents. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, v. 52, p. 511-521, 2008.

REGINATTO, V.; SANTANA, Fabrício Butierres; SCHMIDELL, W.; SOARES, H. M.. Avaliação de um reator de lodo ativado aplicado à nitrificação utilizando ensaios cinéticos. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, v. 30, p. 49-55, 2008.

TEIXEIRA, Roberta Miranda; PEREIRA, F; SOARES, H. M.; FURIGO JÚNIOR, Agenor.. Remoção de nitrogênio de efluente agroindustrial utilizando biorreatores. Acta Scientiarum. Technology, v. 30, p. 209-213, 2008.

LA ROTONDA, F.D.S.; Genena, A.K.; DANTELA, D.; SOARES, H. M.; LAURIND, J.B.; MOREIRA, R. F. P. M.; FERREIRA, S.R.S.. Study of banana (Musa aaa Cavendish cv Nanica) trigger ripening for small scale process. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, v. 51, p. 1033-1047, 2008.

LIMA, A.; REGINATTO, V.; Schmidell W.; FURIGO JÚNIOR, Agenor; NINOW, Jorje; SOARES, H. M.. Estudo de Relações Iniciais de Substrato/Microrganismo (So/Xo) para Ensaios Cinéticos de Nitrificação. Revista Saúde e Ambiente (UNIVILLE), v. 8, p. 25-31, 2007.

REGINATTO, V.; LIMA, A.; SCHMIDELL, W.; NINOW, Jorge Luiz; SOARES, H. M.. Aclimatação da microbiota nitrificante para o trtatamento de efluente da indústria frigorífica. Revista Saúde e Ambiente (UNIVILLE), v. 8, p. 39-46, 2007.

SOARES, H. M.; KIELING, Dirlei Diedrich; REGINATTO, V.; Schmidell W.; TAVARES, D.; MENES, R. J.. Sludge wash-out as strategy for Anammox process start-up. Process Biochemistry, v. 42, p. 1579-1585, 2007.

SEZERINO, P. H.; REGINATTO, V.; MATTER, A.; BENTO, A.P.B.; SOARES, H. M.; PHILIPPI, L. S.. Tratamento terciário em efluente da indústria processadora de aves e suínos – estudo em colunas de areia. Revista Brasileira de Agrociência, v. 13, p. 73-79, 2007.

SPILLER, Valéria Reginatto; TEIXEIRA, Roberta Miranda; PEREIRA, Francini Fontanella; SCHMIDELL NETTO, Willibaldo; FURIGO JÚNIOR, Agenor; MENES, Rodolfo Javier; ECHEBEHERE, Clúdia; SOARES, H. M.. Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation In A Bioreactor Treating Slaughterhouse Wastewater. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Brasil, v. 22, n.4, p. 593-600, 2005.

SOARES, H. M.; BONATTI, Mariane; KARNOPP, P; FURLAN, Sandra Aparecida.. Evaluation of Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus sajor-caju nutritional characteristics when cultivated in different lignocellulosic wastes. Food Chemistry, v. 88, n.0, p. 425-428, 2004.

CEZERINO, Pablo Heleno; SPILLER, Valéria Reginatto; SANTOS, Mônica A A dos; KAYSER, Katrin; KUNST, Sabine ; PHILIPPI, Luis Sergio ; SOARES, H. M.. Nutrient Removal of Piggery effluent using vertical constructed wetlands in South Brazil.. Water Science and Technology, v. 48, n.2, 2003.

SOARES, H. M.; BONATTI, Mariane; FURLAN, Sandra Aparecida; KARNOPP, P.. Estudo da Composição de Cogumelos da Espécie Pleurotos ostearus e Pleurotus sajor-caju cultivados em Palha de Bananeira. Revista Saúde e Ambiente (UNIVILLE), Joinville, v. 4, n.1, p. 31-35, 2003.

WICHERN, Mark; SHWARZ, C; SPILLER, Valéria Reginatto; TEIXEIRA, Roberta Miranda; SOARES, H. M.; FURIGO JÚNIOR, Agenor; KUNST, Sabine; ROSENWINKEL, K H; WILDERER, P A.. Simulation as Tool for Upgrading of Lagoon Systems. Environmental Informatic Archives, v. 1, n.-, p. 366-374, 2003.

Montenegro, M. A. P.; SOARES, H. M.; R. F.. Vazoller. Hybrid Reactor Performance in Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Removal by Anaerobic Granule. Water Science and Technology, v. 44, n.4, p. 137-144, 2001.

SOARES, H. M.; ZASTROW, C. R.. Avaliação da Biodegradabilidade Anaeróbia do Efluente da Indústria Cervejeira.. Revista UNIVILLE, Joinville, v. 04, n.01, p. 53-59, 1999.

ZASTROW, C. R.; SOARES, H. M.. Avaliação de Inóculos Para Partida de Reatores Anaeróbios de Tratamento de Efluentes. Revista Univille, Joinville, v. 3, n.2, p. 17-24, 1998.